Read + Write Learner


This type of learner is someone who needs to read and/or write down the information to learn it. They do well by using the traditional study method of reading from a textbook and taking notes, and prefer to learn through words. These learners tend to enjoy reading and taking lots of notes.

Common Characteristics found in Read+Write Learners:

  • Can remember information that they read or write down
  • Normally enjoy reading in their free time
  • Tend to write very detailed notes
  • Prefer writing essays to holding an oral presentation
  • Can articulate themselves better when writing than talking

Tips for Success:

  • Take lots of notes
    • make sure you include many details
  • Rewrite and/or reread your notes
  • Keep handouts and read websites and books
  • Translate visual aids such as charts and diagrams into words
  • Rewrite information into your own words